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Core Units
Core Units (21)
ORA - Oracles


of 21 Core Units




Since 28-Jun-2021

The Oracles Core Unit handles all of the Oracle needs of the Maker Protocol.

What we do

The Oracle Core Unit is responsible for developing and administrating the Oracle Protocol. Oracles are a critical component of securing the Maker Protocol to ensure positions are sufficiently collateralized. The Oracles Core Unit is essential to ensure the Oracles can adapt rapidly to scale the Maker Protocol in a responsible manner. A key focus of the Oracles Core Unit is to monetize the Oracle Protocol and build out a business around it. This enables the DAO to subsidize its own Oracle expenditures, and ultimately turn Oracles from a cost-center into a profit-generating arm of MakerDAO. Real World Assets (RWA) in particular, are a highly promising vertical the business side of the Oracle is targeting.

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Related MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals)
Since 22-08-2022


Since 28-06-2021
Since 28-06-2021


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