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Core Units (21)
GOV - Governance Alpha


of 21 Core Units



Governance Alpha

Since 30-Aug-2023

Helping to ensure MakerDAO has a consistent and well-run governance process managed by elected facilitators.

What we do

GovAlpha's Mandate
1. Neutrality
Neutrality is essential if GovAlpha is to maintain its position as a credible facilitator of governance within MakerDAO. Ultimately GovAlpha has this mandate because it is trusted by governance participants to fulfill it without bias towards outcomes. Lack of neutrality undermines this trust, however, GovAlpha must also maintain and improve the governance structures and processes within MakerDAO and this is impossible to do without expressing opinions on these structures and processes. Therefore, the Facilitators of GovAlpha commit to neutrality in areas unrelated to the governance of MakerDAO.
2. Facilitation of Governance
The governance processes of an organization like MakerDAO will not operate consistently and clearly without facilitation. GovAlpha fulfills the role of officials in traditional systems of governance, leaving those involved in governance able to spend more time on decision-making and discussion.
3. Effectiveness of Governance
The strength of the MakerDAO governance system relates directly to the participation levels in both on-chain and off-chain governance. The expression of will by individuals interested in the Protocol’s success can only be as well-rounded and well-defined as the number of Governance participants. Similarly, a decision is only as durable as the consensus surrounding it. For these reasons, it is GovAlpha's mandate to strive for participation and consensus which are crucial for the preservation and improvement of governance within MakerDAO.
4. Communication and Moderation
Moderation and communication fulfill a supporting role in relation to the other items of the mandate. It is difficult to facilitate effective governance if high-quality communication platforms and norms do not exist. Additionally, GovAlpha should be accessible to the MakerDAO community and the MakerDAO mandated actors and attempt to bridge these two groups of stakeholders in cases of disagreement.

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Related MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals)
Since 30-08-2023



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