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Core Units (21)
DECO - Deco Protocol


of 21 Core Units



Deco Protocol

Since 22-Nov-2021

Deco Fixed Rate Core Unit aims to integrate, manage, and maintain the Deco fixed rate protocol.

What we do

The Deco protocol is a fixed rate protocol designed to be flexible and safe. Its design anticipated that its first and most effective initial application may be on Maker.
The core protocol is outlined in the whitepaper and in the technical documentation. Codebase repo of the base protocol implementation can be found on Github.
The Deco protocol, in collaboration with MakerDAO, can offer fixed-rate vaults to Maker vault users. The Deco user experience is simple: vault owner purchases a pure-yield token which earns a yield that offsets the entire stability fee on the vault. A vault need not migrate to an external protocol, either before or after the fixed rate expires, which makes it possible for the Maker protocol to retain its core business and not lose stability fees.
Vault owners are not required to change any of their own vault management processes; users may continue to use the same UI or smart contract to manage the vault. The vault itself remains fully independent, and within the Maker Protocol. Fixed rate token issuance on Deco is controlled and maintained by Maker governance, allowing MakerDAO to control the fixed rates without relying on external governance.

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Related MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals)
Since 22-11-2021


Since 22-11-2021
Since 22-11-2021
Since 22-11-2021


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