Sidestream Auction Services
Sidestream Auction Services
14 of 24 Ecosystem Actor
SSA Sidestream Auction Services
Scope Facilitator
Support Scope
Protocol Scope
Improve security, transparency and accessibility of the Maker Protocol by providing and maintaining auction services through open-source development.

Sidestream Auction Services: Who we are

The Sidestream Auction Services Core Unit aims to provide and maintain systems on top of the auction mechanism that contribute to security and growth of the Maker Protocol.
Those systems:
  • Visualize auction data to increase transparency and generate insights
  • Provide intuitive UIs and well-maintained APIs for interaction with the auction mechanism (to increase accessibility and adoption)
  • Help ensure that there is always sufficient auction participation, even in extreme circumstances such as
    • Protocol upgrades (e.g. new collateral types)
    • Inefficient market conditions

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