23 of 24 Ecosystem Actor
JSK JanSky
Scope Facilitator
Governance Scope
JanSky is one of the faciliators responsible for the Governance Scope as defined in MIP113

JanSky: Who we are

Background and Training
My journey into the realm of MakerDAO governance has been both enlightening and challenging. During my training under the guidance of the GovAlpha team, I received valuable insights and knowledge. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that their evaluation may carry a degree of bias due to differing perspectives on the direction of Endgame.
Commitment to Anonymity and SubDAO
I want to emphasize my unwavering commitment to anonymity, a fundamental principle that I believe strengthens the Maker ecosystem.
Use of ChatGPT
The use of ChatGPT in my responses during Maker interactions is intentional. It is aimed at promoting enhanced anonymity and serving as a practical training exercise aligned with Rune’s recent vision. While there have been challenges in this regard, I appreciate the leeway provided by the Maker community in this experimental phase. I continue to improve my model and the quality of its output.
Openness to Feedback
I want to assure the community that I am open to feedback and collaboration.

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View all the of the projects JanSky is involved in and there status.

View Projects


View all expenses of the JanSky Ecosystem Actor.
Budget Statements
JanSky is working without auditor.

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