18 of 24 Ecosystem Actor
GAL Gallagher
Active Ecosystem Actor
Support Scope
Gallagher is a leading insurance and reinsurance broker offering an extensive range of insurance, self-insurance, risk management, claims administration, and employee benefits products and services through highly specialized companies.

Gallagher: Who we are

As the first member of the Resilience Fund Technical Committee, Gallagher oversees the administration, assessment, processing, and investigation of claims.
Gallagher has several tasks as a member of the Technical Committee 2, which include but are not limited to:
  • Membership Administration of the Resilience Fund: Overseeing the administration of the onboarding process for beneficiaries of the Resilience Fund, ensuring transparency and effective management within MakerDAO.
  • Claims Assessment: Evaluating, processing, and investigating claims submitted within MakerDAO, providing payout recommendations based on thorough technical assessments.
  • Surplus Buffer Adequacy: Assessing the adequacy of the Surplus Buffer with MakerDAO’s Endgame and structural changes, ensuring the stability and sustainability of the Resilience Fund.
  • Evaluation of Legal Processes: Evaluating legal processes in similar ecosystems, identifying risks and contingencies to safeguard MakerDAO.

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Budget Statements
Gallagher is working without auditor.

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