Real-World Finance
Real-World Finance
6 of 21 Core Units
RWF Real-World Finance
Since 24-OCT-2022
This Core Unit is designed to pursue Real-World Asset work and more generally helps MakerDAO to take over the traditional finance world.

What we do

The mandate of this Core Unit is to bring real-world finance concepts to MakerDAO; Those concepts encompass but are not limited to:
  • Investing in Real-World Assets (loans, bonds, structured finance, …)
  • Yield curve implications in DeFi
  • Accounting, solvency, and potential regulatory reporting
  • Using real-world finance to produce more yield while keeping our risk appetite low thanks to wider diversification and risk management tools.
  • Being the interface that connects real-world finance with the MakerDAO
To achieve this mandate the team will be composed of people from diversified backgrounds but with an emphasis on people having experience in traditional finance concepts.
The Maker Governance can interact and prioritize work with the Core Unit by issuing a Signal Request, an informal poll, or any other means. In case of conflicting messages, the Signal Request will take precedence over any other means.

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Related MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals)
Since 24-OCT-2022


 Offboarding the Real-world Finance Core Unit (RWF-001)


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Activity Feed
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Related MIPs (Maker Improvement Proposals)

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